a Carbon Cleanup project to produce sustainable materials from wind blade scraps

Welcome to the forefront of sustainable material solutions! 

Welcome to the forefront of sustainable energy solutions! 

We specialize in providing cutting-edge wind rotor blade recycling systems designed to revolutionize the renewable energy landscape. 

As the world increasingly turns to wind power to combat climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, the need for efficient, environmentally responsible solutions for decommissioned wind turbine blades has never been more critical. 

Our state-of-the-art mobile recycling systems offer a comprehensive approach, ensuring that every component of wind rotor blades is efficiently repurposed, reused, or recycled. 

Join us in our mission to create a cleaner, greener future while maximizing the potential of renewable energy resources. Explore our innovative solutions and embrace the power of sustainability today.

Carbon Cleanup is currently devoting its efforts to the development of BLADE EATER, our innovative wind blade recycling system. This groundbreaking initiative represents a pivotal advancement in our commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Anticipated for launch as early as 2025, BLADE EATER promises to redefine the way wind rotor blades are recycled, addressing a critical need in the renewable energy sector.

At Carbon Cleanup, our expertise lies in crafting state-of-the-art composite recycling systems that are poised to transform the renewable energy landscape. Through meticulous research and development, we are dedicated to pioneering solutions that not only meet but exceed industry standards for sustainability and efficiency. 

With BLADE EATER, we aim to establish a new benchmark for wind blade recycling technology, ushering in a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Learn more about Carbon Cleanup